Berita Terkini

Universitas Indonesia Hosts the 16th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium 2021

Depok, November 25th, 2021 – Depok, 25 November 2021 – On 24 and 25 November 2021, Disaster Risk Reduction Center Universitas Indonesia (DRRC UI), International Office Universitas Indonesia (IO-UI) collaborated with the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) to organize “The 16th APRU Multi Hazards Symposium 2021”. This symposium is a disaster-themed symposium held as a platform for academics, experts, professionals, and the general public to exchange ideas, propose ideas, and discuss various issues in the field of disaster. This year, with the theme “Building Partnerships for Sustainable Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) for All Hazards”, the symposium was attended by 1044 participants from various national and international groups.


In this symposium, there are 10 sub-themes that are the focus: Engineering and Infrastructures in Disaster; Natural Hazards Triggering Technological Disasters (NaTech); Pandemics and Public Health Issues; Disaster Mitigation: Policies, Practices and Alternatives; Emergency and Crisis Management; Business Continuity Management and Disaster Insurance; Social Science Perspective in Disaster; Statistical and Modeling Tools for Disaster Management; Community Empowerment for DRR; and Media and communication. The symposium received more than 350 abstracts from various authors around the world.


At the Symposium, several guests of honor attended this event. Guests of honor include Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., Chancellor of the University of Indonesia; Prof. Dra. Fatma Lestari, M.Sc., Ph.D., Director of DRRC UI; Dr. Raditya Jati, S.Si., M.Sc., Deputy of System and Strategy of BNPB RI; Dr. Christopher Tremewan, Secretary General of APRU; Prof. Dr. Riyanti Djalante, ASEAN Secretariat; Prof. Rajib Shaw, Keio University; Prof. Fumihiko Imamura, Ph.D., Tohoku University; Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati, Ph.D., BMKG; Ardito M Kodijat, UNESCO Jakarta; Prof. Takako Izumi, Ph.D., Tohoku University; Alexander Hamilton, Ph.D., UNICRI; Prof. Dr. Natt Leelawat, Chulalongkorn University; Prof. Karl Kim, Ph.D., University of Hawaii at Manoa; and Mizan Bisri Ph.D., Kobe University.

DRRC UI on Regional Conference in Food Security and Nutrition in Climate Fragilities and Disasters

India, 30th November 2021 – DRRC UI attended a regional conference held by the National Institute of Disaster Management India (NIDM) with WFP (World Food Programme).

DRRC UI’s team and case story was selected by the jury panel as one of the most inspiring stories in the “31 most inspiring stories” in the conference. 

The case story was presented during the regional conference and will be included as a published book.

DRRC UI in Regional Symposium by SIAP SIAGA

Indonesia, 27th October 2021 – Disaster Risk Reduction Center Universitas Indonesia attended and gave a presentation titled “Importance of Integrating Native Language into the Digitisation of Disaster and Pandemic Communication for People with Disabilities in Indonesia: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” in the Regional Symposium “Lessons Learning on COVID-19 and its impact on Disaster Management and Resillience” held in collaboration between Indonesian National Board of Disaster Management (BNPB), Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu RI) and the Australian Government.


Kompetisi Tiktok #CeritaSalingBantu, Sebagai Kolaborasi Hadapi Pandemi

Jakarta, 24/7/2021 – Pandemi COVID-19 ini merupakan kejadian yang luar biasa yang harus disikapi juga secara luar biasa, salah satunya dengan kolaborasi. Dan semangat kolaborasi dan gotong royong telah ada sejak bangsa ini berdiri.

“Dulu perjuangan bangsa ini menggunakan bambu runcing, saat ini bambu runcing itu berupa gadget untuk melakukan perjuangan bersama untuk membangun Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dan melawan musuh bersama yaitu pandemi COVID-19 dan mengatasi hoaks atau disinformasi,” ujar Tenaga Ahli Menkominfo Donny BU saat peluncuran kompetisi Tiktok #CeritaSalingBantu, Sabtu (24/7)…

DRRC UI Luncurkan Kursus Covid-19

Jakarta,, 17/12/2020 – Untuk membantu tenaga kesehatan dan masyarakat untuk menanggulangi pandemi Covid-19, Universitas Indonesia (UI) meluncurkan edukasi melalui web dan aplikasi pelatihan daring bertajuk “Edurisk”.

Berdasarkan keterangan tertulis yang diterima redaksi, Rabu (16/12/2020), web dan aplikasi pelatihan dalam jaringan itu digagas oleh tim pemberdayaan dan pengabdian masyarakat UI, terdiri dari Prof Dra Fatma Lestari MSi PhD (FKM UI), Prof Achir Yani S Hamid, MN DNSc (FIK UI), Dr Fatmah SKM MSc (SIL UI)…

UI Bukukan Pengalaman Indonesia Tangani Pandemi Covid-19

Jakarta,, 19/8/2020 – Universitas Indonesia (UI) merilis buku “Pengalaman Indonesia dalam Menangani Wabah COVID-19” yang ditulis Prof. Dra. Fatma Lestari, M.Si, PhD dan kawan-kawan. Buku ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi dengan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB).

Fatma yang merupakan Ketua Disaster Risk Reduction Center (DRRC) UI di Jakarta, Rabu (19/8), menyampaikan, buku tersebut dikemas dalam 3 judul tulisan. Pertama, fokus soal pembahasan penanganan Covid-19 di level nasional….